We produce only radiata pine seedlings but of various genetic qualities. Most of our seed is supplied by Proseed Limited from Amberley.
Open Pollinated Seedlings
GF 19. Grown from seed orchard seed this is the standard for general forestry production in the Northland Region. Seed certificates are available.
Stand select. Grown from seed collected from controlled pollinated stands in a forest, with some uncertainty as to the pollen source in the genetic makeup of the seed. No seed certificate available.
Controlled Pollinated Seedlings
No GF ranking is available. These are from high quality seed with elite genetics with “trait” rankings. Seed certificates are available. Go to www.proseed.co.nz for details.

Our seedlings are predominantly produced to the following specification
Roots 7-10 cm long.
Stems 27-35 cm long.
Root collar diameter 5mm.
No double leaders under half the stem length.
Maximum sweep 3 cm over stem length.
Good colour and free from all visible signs of disease and infection.
Packed out in boxes or bags of 100 plants.